Saturday, March 19, 2011

Android vs iPhone - Why Androids Are Better

If God is using a phone, its probably an iPhone!! And its true. iPhone has brought a revolution in the mobile world and changed the way we used to look at phones (Noika, are you listening?) – Smart Phones. And Apple has its loyal followers.We call them the die hard Apple fans. The 'An Apple a day' kind.

But in this blog, I will distinguish why an Android is better than iPhone. And in layman’s language. (And we deliberately keep out the BlackBerry. We do that comparison next time) 

Alright, iPhone is a phone, (hardware) and Android is a software. So, I will compare an iPhone with some phones Android OS. And let me tell you, the results of the comparison will leave you dumbfound. Guaranteed.  

Android vs iPhone: And why Android is better –

5.   Internet experience (Browser and Browsing) – It is kind of weird, but the iPhone DOES NOT SUPPORT FLASH. Yes, it does not. And most of the websites today are use Adobe Flash. Yes, about 97%. Have you ever seen similar screen on your iPhone sometimes.  Now you know why it behaves that way.

Also, the iPhone only supports Safari Browser. Which, no doubt, is a good browser. But that is like asking the user to use only iExplorer on windows. No Chrome, No Safari, No Firefox, No Rockmelt. Its like saying this is only what you get with this phone, and you better use it.

Andorid being from Google, has a seamless integration with Google site and applications. Internet is at least 5o% faster on an Android than an iPhone.

4. High Levels of Personalization – Do u see the same desktop all the time on the iPhone. The same icons, placed in a similar fashion. Smart Phone, ah? Android allows you unthinkable levels of personalization for your phone.

Simply put, you get to chose how your phone should behave as it allows you to configure your mobile to look and behave exactly how you want it. If you’re a social network power user, you can have a screen for Facebook, one for Twitter, one for text messages, and one for your blog. Or if you are a business user, you can have a screen for contacts, appointments, organizer, notifications, mails and more. Not only can you configure the desktop the way you want, you can configure the behavior of your phone. You can even configure how the phone should behave in case of any event, as in a call or a text msg or any notification. The software is all yours. And the rest is left to your creativity.

Now you know why personalization with iPhone is limited.

3. Price Advantage – We are Indians. We think in terms of Value for money, Returns on Investment. iPhone costs a bomb. The Android range starts from Rs 7000/-. Go on, buy a phone within your range and enjoy all the features of an Android and for that matter an iPhone.

What I mean is there is a variety of phone. The direct comparison for iPhone may be Samsung Galaxy or a Google Nexus S. But for someone who wants a standard version, still has a choice.

2. Choice of HandsetsiPhone comes in two models. Actually, only one and a half!! It has some versions of the models, but physically, they all look the same. In Android, you have variety. More than 80 handsets to choose from.

Let’s assume you want a handset with a longer battery life or a bigger screen or a full QWERTY keypad or super expandable memory. So, what you have with the iPhone? The same two models which every iPhone user have. Same features. Same Hardware. Same Fate. 

But with Android, go ahead choose your handset.

And the number one and the most important reason for Androids being better is

1. Open Source – iPhone is a heavily guarded code. Music has to be converted to iTunes. Videos have to be converted to their format. It is their Code. We have to get used to it.

Android is essentially open source software. And this means that a planet full of developers with the ability to aid Android’s developers is on work. What this signifies is that if there are thousands of applications available for iPhone, there can be a millions available for Android. So, you pick and choose.

A good example for this would be that I belong to the electronic security industry and I need a lens calculator for CCTV cameras handy with me all the time. What if I had a lens calculator on my phone? It will take some efforts to incorporate such an application for such niche category for iPhone. In Android that’s easily possible.

Real time Multi tasking. I don’t want to confuse you with highly technical terminology, but iPhone does not offer this fully. Sign.

What all this means is – With Android Make your phone exactly what it is designed to be – A Smart Phone.

Conclusion - To conclude, I reiterate that iPhone is a phenomenon. It is a trend setter. But it is designed for a specific group of people. The people who want to keep it simple. The one button people.  Even the design emphasizes on simplicity. Colorful display. Rounded icons. Good music quality. Video players. Touch screens. Show it off.

The Judgement:. iPhone is a Absolute High Quality Multimedia Phone. But if want a real smart phone, Android is the answer.

If you found value in this article, pls leave a comment. And if you are a die hard Apple loyal, Its ok. I myself use a BlackBerry. You should still leave a comment.


Irfanuddin said...

very informative post... and the most important thing i liked about the Android is the open source software so we can easily go with any version of Audio n Vedios.

Prasannafunks said...

Thanks for the information.....and i m going to buy 1 next month :)

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Valuable info by you...I will keep this in mind 4 my next phone...

Purvesh Gada said...

Thanks you all. Also, one more thing i would want to re-emphasize is Google support for Androids. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Well said, very deep study of Android, though I am using Android but really come to know various features. now I can say i am lucky to have one.

Prashant Sharma said...

hey Purvesh,

Nice post there...carry on..

Anonymous said...

Hey Purvesh

Android it is!!!! Even i think iPhone is just a Phenomenon and a trendsetter. But Andriod is a way to go.

You missed one thing Bluetooth which is really bad in iPhone. You can only connect to a person having a iPhone. But not the case with Android.


Shend said...

maybe it is a lot of features in the android-like features found on the iphone, but I hope this issue can be resolved as soon as possible.

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